👀 Short Bio

Currently I am alive. My name is Xueqiang Fan (樊学强), I’m a 4th-year PHD student at the School of Computer Science, Information and Communication Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, supervised by Prof. Zhongyi Guo.

My curriculum vitae (CV) can be downloaded here (English & Chinese).

🔎 Research

“All things are interconnected, this is the essence of nature.”

🌟 Now, my primary research interest is to design effective visual understanding models for visual systems, involving Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, and Polarization Vision.

Specifically, my recent endeavor is on Polarization Scattering Imaging, aiming to reconstruct objects hidden inside scattering media (e.g., turbid water and haze) from speckle pattern-carrying polarization information. I am also conducting research on Scene Confusing-Discovery, using Polarization Information to mine the Camouflaged/Confusing/Special yet meaningful object/region in the scene. These objects are very common in daily life scenes but can confuse the vision systems due to their inherently special properties. I am pursuing exploring useful cues based on Polarization and effective methods for accurate detection.

Additionally, my early work focused on Computational Biology, specifically identifying biochemical properties and functions of Proteins, RNA, and DNA, which are the cornerstone of providing more detailed information for Protein Drug Design and Molecular Diagnostics.

🔥 News

  • 2024.11.06: 🎈🎈🎈I was honored with National Scholarship.
  • 2024.09.23: I serve as a reviewer for BioData Mining.
  • 2024.08.27: ✨✨✨ Our paper entitled "Transformer-based improved U-net for high-performance underwater polarization imaging" was accepted by Optics & Laser Technology (中科院2区 TOP, IF=4.60).
  • 2024.06.24: ✨✨✨ One paper as the First Author entitled "Ense-i6mA: Identification of DNA N6-methyladenine Sites Using XGB-RFE Feature Selection and Ensemble Machine Learning" was accepted by IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinf. ( CCF B , 中科院3区, IF=4.5). The work was accepted outright after close to two years of review with no major or minor revisions.
  • 2024.03.27: 🚀🚀🚀 One paper as the First Author entitled "LMPC2D3DCNet: Infrared Polarization-Empowered Full-Time Road Detection via Lightweight Multi-Pathway Collaborative 2D/3D Convolutional Networks" was accepted by IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (CCF B, 中科院1区 TOP, IF=8.5).
  • 2024.03.14: ✨✨✨ One paper as the First Author entitled "Improved Polarization Scattering Imaging Using Local-Global Context Polarization Feature Learning Framework" was accepted by Opt. Lasers Eng. (中科院2区, IF=4.6).
  • 2023.12.12: ✨✨✨ Our paper entitled "Dynamic polarization fusion network (DPFN) for imaging in different scattering systems" was accepted by Opt. Express (中科院2区 TOP, IF=3.80).
  • 2023.10.16: ✨✨✨ One paper as the First Author entitled "TSMPN-PSI: High-performance polarization scattering imaging based on three-stage multi-pipeline networks" was accepted by Opt. Express (中科院2区 TOP, IF=3.80).
  • 2023.02.01: ✨✨✨ One paper as the First Author entitled "I-DNAN6mA: Accurate Identification of DNA N6-Methyladenine Sites Using the Base-Pairing Map and Deep Learning" was accepted by J. Chem. Inf. Model. (中科院2区 TOP, IF=6.16)
  • 2022.12.16: ✨✨✨ Our paper entitled "Self-attention module in multi-scale improved U-net (SAM-MIU-net) motivating high-performance polarization scattering imaging" was accepted by Opt. Express (中科院2区 TOP, IF=3.83).
  • 2022.05.10: 🎈🎈🎈 Congratulations, Xue-Qiang Fan successfully graduated from Zhejiang University of Technology, School of Information Engineering with the M.S. degree in Control Science and Engineering. From July 2019 to May 2022, he has got 2 SCI-indexed papers and 1 paper under review as the First Author, and 2 papers accepted as the Co-Author. Besides, he has received 8 patents, of which 4 have been authorized, and 4 software publications have been authorized, and won 1 First prize and 1 Second prize in an academic competition for university students. After that, he will continue to Hefei University of Technology to pursue his Ph.D. degree.
  • 2021.08.29: ✨✨✨ One paper as the First Author entitled "Improved protein relative solvent accessibility prediction using deep multi-view feature learning framework" was accepted by Anal. Biochem. (中科院3区, IF=3.65)

📃 Publications

† Equal Contribution *Corresponding authors

📝 Manuscripts

Manuscript FuseISP 2024
Joint intensity-spectral polarization hierarchical fusion guided efficient transparent object detection
Under Review

Manuscript LSTSM 2024
LSTSM (Learning to See Through the Scattering Media): Towards a general-purpose framework for multi-modality polarization scattering imaging
Under Review

Manuscript Meta-DUNET-UPI 2023
Meta-DUNET-UPI: Improving polarization imaging through highly turbid underwater using a deformable network and meta-learning
Under Review

📝 Published

Opt. Laser Technol. 2025
Transformer-based improved U-net for high-performance underwater polarization imaging
Bing Lin, Weiyun Chen, Xueqiang Fan, Peng Peng, Zhongyi Guo *
Optics & Laser Technology 181 (2025) 111664. [中科院2区 TOP|JCR 1区|IF4.6]

Ense-i6mA: Identification of DNA N6-methyladenine Sites Using XGB-RFE Feature Selection and Ensemble Machine Learning
Xueqiang Fan, Bing Lin, Jun Hu*, Zhongyi Guo*
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinf., 2024. [中科院3区 | CCF B|JCR 1区|IF4.5]
PDF | Code

Infrared Polarization-Empowered Full-Time Road Detection via Lightweight Multi-Pathway Collaborative 2D/3D Convolutional Networks
Xueqiang Fan, Bing Lin, Zhongyi Guo*
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 25(9), 12762-12775, 2024. [中科院1区 TOP | CCF B | JCR 1区 | IF8.5]
PDF | Code

Opt. Lasers Eng. 2024
Improved Polarization Scattering Imaging Using Local-Global Context Polarization Feature Learning Framework
Xueqiang Fan, Weiyun Chen, Bing Lin, Peng Peng, Zhongyi Guo*
Opt. Lasers Eng. 2024;178:108194. [中科院2区|JCR 1区|IF4.6]

Opt. Express 2024
Dynamic polarization fusion network (DPFN) for imaging in different scattering systems
Bing Lin, Xueqiang Fan, Peng Peng, Zhongyi Guo*
Opt. Express 32, 511-525 (2024). [中科院2区 TOP|JCR 2区|IF3.8]

Opt. Express 2023
TSMPN-PSI: High-performance polarization scattering imaging based on three-stage multi-pipeline networks
Xueqiang Fan,Bing Lin, Kai Guo, Bingyi Liu, Zhongyi Guo*
Opt. Express 31, 38097-38113 (2023). [中科院2区|JCR 1区|IF4.6]

J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2023
I-DNAN6mA: Accurate Identification of DNA N6-Methyladenine Sites Using the Base-Pairing Map and Deep Learning
Xueqiang Fan,Bing Lin, Jun Hu*, Zhongyi Guo*
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2023, 63, 3, 1076–1086. [中科院2区 TOP|JCR 1区|IF5.6]
PDF | Code | Project

Opt. Express 2023
Self-attention module in multi-scale improved U-net (SAM-MIU-net) motivating high-performance polarization scattering imaging
Bing Lin, Xueqiang Fan, Zhongyi Guo*
Optics Express, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 3046-3058 (2023). [中科院2区 TOP|JCR 1区|IF3.8]

Analytical Biochemistry. 2021
Improved protein relative solvent accessibility prediction using deep multi-view feature learning framework
Xueqiang Fan, Jun Hu*, Ningxin Jia, Dongjun Yu*, Guijun Zhang*
Analytical Biochemistry, 2021, 631: 114358. [中科院3区 TOP|JCR 2区|IF3.65]
PDF | Code | Web Server

🎡 Service

Journal Reviewer

  • Reviewer for BioData Mining

🎖 Scholarships and Honors

  • 2024.11 National Scholarship (国家奖学金) (Award Rate: 0.2% nation-wide) Ministry of Education, China

  • 2022-2024 The Scholarship for a Doctor’s degree, Awarded by Hefei University of Technology

  • 2019-2022 The Scholarship for a Master’s degree, Awarded by Zhejiang University of Technology

📖 Educations

  • Jun. 2022 – Present, PHD student, School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China
  • Jul. 2019 – May. 2022, M.S. Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China
  • Sep. 2015 - Jun. 2019, B.S. Henan University of Urban Construction, Pingdingshan, China

# 🙇 Miscellaneous